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Electrical Testing and Safety Checks

Meet Mandatory Electrical Safety Requirement Worldwide
  • Electrical shock related to the use of electrical products is the cause of thousands of injuries and even deaths around the world each year, whether because of poor design, inadequate maintenance, or unintended use.
  • Cipher Engineers Pvt Ltd offers Electrical Safety Testing for all types of electrical and electronic products.

What is Electrical Safety Testing?
Electrical Safety Testing is carried out to evaluate the potential risks of electrical shocks to customers when using their products. Evaluating a product for electrical safety usually includes the following tests:
  • High voltage test (dielectric withstand test) – measures the ability of an electrical product to withstand a high voltage applied between a product’s electrical circuit and the ground.
  • Leakage current test – evaluates whether current that flows between an AC source and the ground does not exceed a specified limit.
  • Insulation resistance test – calibrates the quality of the electrical insulation used.
  • Ground continuity test – ensures that a clear path is available between all exposed metal surfaces and the power system ground.

Why is Electrical Safety Testing Important
  • Achieve compliance with relevant regulation and standards in different global markets
  • Meet customer demands and demonstrate dedication to safety
  • Discover and eliminate and problems in the product early on
  • Avoid expensive product recall reduce the risk of expensive litigation should a product cause injury ​

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